Tuesday, 19 June 2012

One liners.










                                                                   SCROLL SLAVES.
                                                                        Nikhil Acquilla

                                               This is me holding a glass of Whiskey. Do you want to know what happens when I drink whiskey. Ill show you, scroll.

                                         I get baked, wasted and lots of things I can't begin to describe


                                                                   Keep scrolling down. Slowly.

                                                                        Peace bruh.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

                                                      William Eggeyes and Rajesh Nair.


William Eggeyes was a lanky lad with long fingers and huge feet. He had a peculiarly small body to go with it.

                                         Eggeyes  was seventeen. Unlike boys his age, he did not have any facial hair.

Eggeyes had a mole on a his jaw line, four strands of hair. He wore a bow tie to cover it up. That was all the facial hair he had.

                              He had no friends on Facebook and in real life.

Eggeyes spent hours fretting in front of the mirror.

His only friend was Rajesh Nair from Haripad. They were pen pals.

Rajesh had post pubescent stubble and often bragged about it.

Eggeyes never told Nair about his problem.

 William often wallowed in self pity. The fact that his mother had more facial hair than him troubled him very much.

They exchanged pictures every time they wrote to each other. With every passing picture Nair's facial hair grew thicker. And all Eggeyes had was a shaky hand and a ball point pen to prove his failing manhood. He bottled up his emotions.

Nair's thick mane brought  tears to his beady eyes. The pictures piled on and Eggeyes burst, Toh!

He couldn't contain himself any longer. He wrote to Rajesh, trying to explain his miserable condition.

The letter was 243 pages long.

And finally it reached Haripad. It took Rajesh 32 days and one windy night by the river to finish it.

                   He was a slow reader and didn't know most of the words Eggeyes used.

Moved by his pen-pals story. Rajesh packed his bags and travelled to Kochi, in search of Karadi Oil.

And the great thing about Karadi Oil is....

                                                                      Fig 1.1

           Months passed by, Rajesh found the Karadi Oil and couriered it to William Eggeyes.

                                          Eggeyes applied Karadi oil and it changed his life.

                              William Eggeyes lived happily every after, with a face full of hair.

                                                                    THE END

                    All you need is love, all you need is love, all you need is love. Karadi Oil is all you need ,Abjy P Kurian.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Ripped off  from Ray dot Ban's NEVER HIDE.


Adults do not lust after School girls.

Consensual sex FTW.
Margot-Rita, second cousin of a clown, Krusty the Clown. She is not yellow. Maybe because she eats a lot of vegetables. She plays tennis on Fridays. 

                                                                                                     She never smiles. Braces keep the joy in.
Fresh perspective turns her on. But empty milk cartons remind her of her nonexistent sex life.

She kills chickens when she sees them(watch out).

After a brief career in boxing, she started collecting glow in the dark condoms and brown corduroys.

It is said that 37% of the total population of the world enjoy their own farts.People like smelling their own farts but refuse to admit it. Farts remind us that last scrumptious meal. There is no greater joy/relief than a silent fart in a crowded room . We South Indians are famous for our Sambhar farts.